Sleep Well, Little Bear in the ZEIT Special Edition

A new edition of the popular children’s classic Sleep Well, Little Bear by Quint Buchholz (recipient i.a. of the New York Times Outstanding Book of the Year Award) has appeared as part of the ZEIT Picture Book Edition “My Year in Picture Books” on March 10, 2016.

This lovingly crafted, colorful book collection for children, featuring 12 award-winning well-known and new picture books, will help to guide little readers through the year. From the different seasons to special holidays like Easter and Christmas, from birthdays to more serious events like death – the ZEIT editorial staff have picked one of the most beautiful picture books to go with each important topic that gives children a sense of time.

In this collection, the magical bedtime story Sleep Well, Little Bear will appear alongside popular books such as e.g. the “Spring Wimmelbook” by Rotraut Susanne Berner or “Santa’s Littlest Helper” by Anu Stohner and Henrike Wilson.


“Buchholz’s luminous, delicate drawings perfectly convey the excitement left over from an ordinary day that would be too good to end, if it weren’t for the promise of tomorrow.” (Sandy MacDonald, Reviews)

“In both its language and its art, this nighttime dreamscape offers images sweet and soothing.” (Publishers Weekly)

“a wonderful book, with truly exceptional illustrations” (Amazon customer)

“This picture book is captivating from the opening lines, and the sumptuous artwork is full of new discoveries with each subsequent reading. The narrative has a gentle rhythm and phrasing that captures how a young soul sees the world. Few picture books deliver such a magical experience.” (Amazon customer)


Quint Buchholz
“Schlaf gut, kleiner Bär”
in the ZEIT picture book edition “My year in picture books”
12 picture books in a box
Hardcover 32 pages
€ 99,95 (D)
