Quint Buchholz at Rothweiler Gallery – New Illustrations and Independent Works

The exhibition of new illustrations from “The Guest Cat”, “The Story of a Snail Who Discovered the Importance of Being Slow”, as well as new independent works has so far been well-attended – and will still be open until January 16, 2016.
From empathetic animal portraits to ironic commentaries on the robustness of humans’ capacity of hope: the brilliant presentation of these equally expressive and detailed paintings in the Rothweiler Gallery in Karlsruhe offers a lot to eye and mind alike.
With his tried-and-tested calmness and dedication to close observation, Quint Buchholz puts himself in the shoes (or hooves, or paws…) of goats, donkeys, snails, cats, small and big people alike. Celebrating the vitality and curiosity of his characters, he also examines and closely reflects on their ways of life. Human-animal relationships and vice versa are once again his center of attention.
An exhibition for people big and small, for readers and non-readers, who enjoy beautiful paintings as much as thinking about them.
More information about the exhibition and the artist can be found online on the website of the exhibition, hosted by the Rothweiler Gallery.
Rothweiler Gallery
Dürrbachstr. 24 // 76227 Karlsruhe
Thursday, Friday 2 – 6 p.m.
Saturday 11 a.m – 4 p.m.