Quint Buchholz and Yussof Knauss at Gallery Knauss Werkraum in Munich

On October 8, 2016, the Gallery Knauss Werkraum near Gärtnerplatz will open its doors for an extraordinary exhibition: A meeting of two masters of atmospherically dense, bewitching pictorial narration that is stripped down to the essentials.

New works by Quint Buchholz will enter into a dialogue with the meditative, large-format photographs that Yussof (Jürgen) Knauss has brought back from several journeys through Burma/Myanmar and collected in his magnificent book Im Fluss der Langsamkeit (In the Flow of Slowness).

A title which might just as well be used to describe the art of Quint Buchholz.


Knauss Werkraum
Klenzestr.67 // 80469 München

Opening hours:

Oct. 8–27, 2016
Thu. and Sat. 1p.m.–8 p.m.
