Draughtsmen in Defence of Freedom of Expression
Twenty-nine draughtsmen and women collaborating on a book project initiated and edited by Klaus Humann. With a preface by Andreas Platthaus (FAZ). The pictures in it were done within a few days of each other in January 2015, just a short time after the Paris attack.
Aladin Verlag is publishing the book on 12th February 2015, all profits to go to the PEN “Writers in Prison” campaign.
The contributors are: ATAK, Jutta Bauer, Larissa Bertonasco, Quint Buchholz, Flix, Bob Graham, Nikolaus Heidelbach, David Hughes, Janosch, Joelle Jolivet, Ulf K., Regina Kehn, Reinhard Kleist, Ole Könnecke, Isabel Kreitz, Marine Ludin, Ulli Lust, Hildegard Müller, Thomas M. Müller, Christoph Niemann, Moni Port, Chris Riddell, Axel Scheffler, Peter Sís, Ralph Steadman, Philip Wächter, David Wiesner, Sabine Wilharm and Barbara Yelin.
You can click to see Quint Bucholz’s picture below, another picture on the theme, but not in the book, is here.
There is more about the book on the Aladin Verlag website.
“Zeichner verteidigen die Meinungsfreiheit”
(Draughsmen in Defence of Freedom of Expression)
Klaus Humann (Editor)
Hardcover 48 pages
€ 12,90 (Germany)
ISBN: 978-3-8489-2070-9