“To Everything There Is a Season”: Wise words on serenity

On March 9, 2020, Munich publisher Hanser released a new book by Quint Buchholz. “To Everything There Is a Season” pairs the most beautiful and catchy passage from a piece of famous wisdom literature with pictures that reveal surprising connections, offer a new perspective on the long-known, the tried and tested.

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven…” It is not only a deep sentiment of serenity that resonates in these well-known verses penned by King Solomon (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8). There is also the hope of finding comfort and assurance in them, even in the darkest of moments. Quint Buchholz’s condensed picture narratives add a contemporary interpretation of this theme. Once more they point to the richness of life and the magic of slowing down, of pausing for a moment, of listening to the quiet voices and moods.

“For every line there is a picture, sometimes real, sometimes surreal: […] A tension-filled, poetic and comforting dialogue.”
(Niels Beintker for Culture Stage, Bavarian Broadcasting Service, 2020)

Quint Buchholz
Alles hat seine Zeit
Hardcover 64 pages
€ 16,00 (D)