„In the Land of Books“: A Hymn to the Joy of Reading

The magical, atmospheric, poetic pictures in Quint Buchholz’ new book sing the praises of the colourful variety of books – and of the variety of life itself and how very different our experience of it is.
“Quint Buchholz is the painter of gentle dreams. His pictures, with their clever minimal text, tell us everything that a book can be to us: comfort, home, protection, a shield, a bed – we dream and dive through this book, happiness gently snowing down upon us until we emerge again at the end.”
Elke Heidenreich
“This is a book of books, full of devotion, in which the pictures work hand in hand with words, sound, rhythmn and (colour-)tones. A gift.”
Christine Knödler in the Münchener Feuilleton
“The author tells us all that a book can be to us and what the virtual world can never give us in 26 still, quiet, wonderful, cheering yet melancholic pictures accompanied by the lines of a poem: the actual, tangible experience of another world when we pick up a book and set out on a journey with him.”
Lena Naumann in mundus
“Buchholz has indeed created something to treasure here: the text is short, but moving. And with pictures, that – moving somewhere between photorealism and surrealism – arrest the attention as something both magically strange and subtly humorous.”
Udo Watter in the SZ
“What he paints is always mysterious in his very own special way. It contains wisdom – and an inner freedom, that looks self-evident here, although it isn’t so for most of us in everyday life.”
Neues Deutschland
Book trailer – Spanish Edition.
A beautiful review written by Donna McKinnon on
“32 pages – a passion for picture books”
The book was published on 26th August 2013 by Hanser Verlag.